Friday 5 April 2013

Snack Your Way to Excellent Wellness and Weight Loss with Organic Dried Fruit

What could be better than giving your sweet teeth what it craves while providing your body the nutritional value it needs for vibrant health? Keeping a selection of dried fruits on hand enables you to treat everyone members to a delicious, soft and nourishing snack. Latest studies have shown that dried fruit is a gold mine of nutritional value. It's also a way to eat favorite fruits when they are out of season.

Eating natural treats like dried fruit keeps individuals in harmony with the teachings of Ayurveda, the ancient Hindu science of health that believes all living beings are a composite of the five basic elements: fire, water, earth, air and sky. In order to keep life moving in a healthy direction, it is important to renew these components through the intake of natural meals which are the resources of these components. This requires that all the meals we eat, such as treats and particularly the meals given to kids, be natural and unprocessed.

Eating vitamin heavy fruit helps with weight loss

The amazing advantages of fruits are well known. Eating fruit has been proven to do everything from reducing the chance of cancer to helping with weight loss. Eating vitamin heavy fruit sends a highly effective signal to the system that it is being properly nurtured. When one's human is well nurtured, the hormone leptin will turn down the desire to eat.

Fruit provides a rapid increase in level of power for activity and exercise. It has been proven in studies to help reduce hypertension due to its positive sodium to potassium ratio. Fruit reduces chance of cardiac arrest, and keeps cancer away. It keeps cholesterol ratios percentages looking good, inhibits diabetes, and decreases the aging process.

Dried fruit provides an attractive burst of flavor and sweetness that will satisfy the sugar desire. The dehydrating procedure removes most of the normal water, making everything about dried fruit more concentrated such as its nutritional value. For example, the anti-oxidant power of dried blueberries can be as much as four times greater than their fresh counterparts.

Dried fresh fruit is a research star

Dried fruit is loaded with nutritional value in synergistic balance and with excellent bio-availability. It's loaded with vitamins, minerals and vital enzymes. Dry fruit contains excellent amounts of polyphenols, substances that give fruits its colors and excellent anti-oxidant ratings.

The British Journal of Nutrition, February, 2009, reviews a study discovering that consuming dried plums decreases the growth of coronary artery disease, the accumulation of waxy oral plaque inside veins. This in turn decreases the growth of cardiac arrest and may reverse the accumulation of oral plaque in veins and arteries.

Another research revealed in the August, 2008 edition of Cancer Research showed that eating dried black raspberries stops the growth of cancer by restoring carcinogen altered and damaged genes to their normal state.

The July, 2008 Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry reviews a study discovering that the infection battling power of dried cranberries comes from its excellent anti-oxidant capacity. Anti-oxidants fight toxic production in the system, a function that many scientists believe gives fresh fruits the capability to fight the aging.

The Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008, revealed a study discovering dried berries reduced growth number and growth size, and reduced expression of genetics implicated in colon cancer of the digestive tract.

Recent research, revealed in Bioscience Biotechnology Biochemistry, June, 2008, has isolated a new anti-oxidant powerhouse in dried prune extract. This procyanidin oligomer is composed of epicatechin and catechin. Epicatechin improves blood circulation and is a supporter of heart health. The link between epicatechin and killer dicease is so strong that it is being considered for status as a vitamin. It may be that many diseases are the result of epicatechin deficiency.

Which dried fruits create the best choices?

Raisins are dried grapes and retain most of the advantages of the grape along with other advantages they develop as raisins. They are rich with boron, iron, potassium calcium and the B vitamins, and are an excellent source of fiber. They contain phytonutrients such as resveretrol and olenolic acid. The advantages of raisins include protection from gum illness and cavities, osteoporosis, and macular degeneration. 

Raisins are as beneficial to eye sight as carrots. The resveretrol in raisins provides the system with many of the advantages of eating a calorie restricted diet. Use raisins on cereal, in salads, and in cooking and baking. Make trail mix that includes raisins along with other dried fruits, nuts and seeds.

Apricots are another popular dried fruit with a greater nutritional profile. They are abundant in fiber, beta-carotene, Vitamins A and C, magnesium, iron, calcium mineral, phosphorus, silicone, and potassium. Apricots are also loaded with lycopene, a highly effective anti-oxidant that protects against cancer, particularly of the prostate, larynx, esophagus, and lungs. Their capability to feed on toxins inhibits cataract growth, while their excellent fiber content inhibits constipation and digestive conditions such as diverticulosis. 

Three or more portions of fresh fruit a day, including apricots, decreases the chance of age-related macular damage, the primary cause of vision decrease in seniors, by 36 % compared to persons who consume less than 1.5 portions of fruit a day. Dry apricots make a wonderful lunchtime meal inclusion or mid-day snack for the whole family .

Cherries are related to plums, peaches, apricots, along with many others from 
the versatile Rose relatives. They are an excellent resource of natural vitamins A and C and potassium. They contain pectin and antocyanins, which are flavonoids linked to the prevention of cancer and cardiac arrest. One research discovered cherries to be potent anti-bacterial agents that help avoid tooth decay and oral plaque growth. 

They are also a time proven treatment for arthritis and gout. Cherries have one of the highest levels of anti-aging toxins of any meals, providing them superfood status. Cherries have been discovered to help regulate your natural sleep patterns, and help recovery from jet lag. They have been proven to aid individuals with forgetfulness. Dry cherries can be added to salads and desserts, but they are supreme right out of the bag.

Cranberries are known to cure bladder and urinary tract infection with their excellent levels of antioxidants. The keep the urinary tract system clean and may avoid tumors from developing. Cranberries have highly effects on cardiac arrest, yeast, cancer, stroke, and viral infection. Proanthocyanadin, a substance discovered in cherries, stops oral plaque growth on teeth better than mouthwashes. 

Regular intake of cranberries can kill the H. pylori bacteria, known for causing stomach cancer and ulcers. Extracts of substances discovered in cranberries avoid breasts cancers tissues from growing in test tube tests. Dry cranberries make a welcome boost to all types of cooked meats, sweet potatoes, salads, and casseroles. They can be tossed with olive oil, parmesan and pasta.

Apples supply a advanced level of the bone protective mineral boron, along with an osteoporosis battling flavanoid discovered only in apples, known as phloridzin. Many studies have discovered that apples reduced asthma symptoms in kids, and women who eat lots of apples during pregnancy have significantly lower rates of asthma suffering kids. The quercetin in apples may protect minds from the kind of toxic damage that leads to Alzheimer's. Pectin in apples decreases LDL cholestrerol. 

Quercetin and naringin are responsible for the 50 % significantly lower rates of united states in frequent the apple eaters. A Cornell University research discovered that mice eating apples every day reduced their chance of breasts cancers by up to 44 %. Apple eating mice had a 43 % low cost of colon cancer primarily due to the pectin in apples, and they had a 57 % reduced chance of liver cancer. Pectin also supplies galaturonic acid which decreases your need for insulin. Apples make an excellent mid-day power booster. 

They can be added to chicken or tuna healthy salad. Mix apples with grapes, walnuts and a touch of organic mayo for a Waldorf Salad.

Don't let this list be limiting. All dried fruits contain a wealth of nutritional value and provide a host of advantages.

Choosing and using dried fruits

Conventional dried fruits may be treated with substances such as sulfur dioxide. This is to inactivate the compound polyphenoloxidase which darkens the fruit during the dehydrating procedure. This substance sometimes causes allergies in individuals. Some fried fruits have been subjected to bleaching or coloring. Sometimes a preservative known as sulfite has been used.

All these drawbacks can be avoided by buying organic dried fruits. Organic dried fruits are totally without any additives. Moreover, organic dried fruit has been sun dried or dried at temperatures low enough so that natural vitamins and minerals remain unchanged.

Dried fruits should be saved in tightly closed glass containers in the fridge. Stored this way, or in their original unopened packaging, they can be kept for a year or more.

Organic dried fruits are available in bulk and bag at drug stores. They can be ordered online from several resources. One of the best is Higher Power, where you can stock up with organic dried apples, apricots, large flake coconut, dates, figs, mangoes, peaches, pears, pineapples and raisins.

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