Monday 8 April 2013

Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge- Choosing the Best Foods for Weight Loss

There is no doubt that the rapid increase in numbers of obese people seem to be an alarming fact. This is for the reason that the more people are corpulent, the more prone to health risk. But if you think that being healthy is only about healthy foods for weight loss management, you are only looking to one side of the so-called healthy living. 

Eating healthy foods is necessary but this is just part of the whole story of being healthy and staying fit. Exercise is also part of healthy living. Exercise activities will help you burn fats and make your bones and muscles stronger.

Since most of us have our busy day and going out for the gym may not be included in our list we can do simple exercise at home and by choosing the best foods for weight loss can help us live the healthy way that we want.
So what simple exercise everybody can apply to this daily activity?

Walking is the simplest form of exercise activity that everybody does everyday. One may not even notice this, but the benefit of walking is proven that will help your legs muscles and bones stronger and help you burn fats easily. So if you are heading for walk 15-30 minutes of walking everyday can make a big difference towards to the healthy lifestyle you want to achieve.

In line with this is the right choice of best foods for weight loss. Here under are some of the best foods for weight loss management:

When you hear that word oatmeal, what is the word that pops into your mind at the moment? Oatmeal is always relating to the heart. Eating oatmeal everyday helps you have a healthier heart. In addition, as oatmeal is rich in fiber then it is one of the best foods for weight loss management. The fiber content of the oatmeal helps you feel full and help you lower your appetite.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This juicy and sweet fruit has the ability to shed your body fats. Eating apples make you feel full for lengthy periods of time helping you to overeat. It is advisable to eat an apple before a meal. This will help you eat less but you feel fuller.

Eating fish than meat helps your success towards to healthy you. Fish is like tuna, sardines and salmon are rich in leptin. Leptin is which an effective fat burning hormone is. This is the one who decides where the food you will become a fat or an energy giving calorie. 

So why look for the bets foods for weight loss? With the 75% increase in the numbers of people who become obese since the year 1997 up to present. It has a great impact not only to one's health but also to their financial handlings. Did you know that hundreds of dollars are being spent every year just to treat diseases due to over-weight?

Aside from eating best foods for weight loss and doing exercise activities, stepping out to the opportunity of the Body by Vi 90 day challenge can make a lot of difference for you. This will help you reach your goal for healthy life style in while enjoying healthy and best foods for weight loss. Any body can take the challenge of the Body by Vi 90 day challenge to become the champion of new you.


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