Tuesday 26 March 2013

Metabolism Boosters


Metabolism is one of those hype words when it comes to weight loss and the supplement industry on the whole, however to this day not many of us know how it actually works or how we can enhance it. Metabolic process manages the body’s ability to obtain and lose undesirable weight and if you have been trying to lose weight and have failed, you may need to renew your metabolism.

What is metabolism and why must it be in tip top shape?

Simply put, metabolism is a process within your body that transforms food into energy. When your metabolism is missing in function, you may begin to see weight gain. If your metabolism is not working effectively, fat may begin to store itself in different parts of the body rather than being used as fuel for your everyday activities.

If you are having problems enhancing your metabolism, you may want to read further to unveil some major metabolism boosters. Available in the form of beverage, supplement, and food, we will reveal three ways to turbocharge your metabolism.

Metabolism Booster #1: Natural Energy source  for the Body
Begin your day with a big bang! You will need to simply add two new things into your daily routine in order to do just that. Begin by mixing 2 tablespoons of tomato juice with a half-teaspoon of horseradish. Keep in thoughts  that both of these ingredients are loaded with powerful antioxidants which aid in removing stomach fat. Top off this morning belly shot with a sprint of hot sauce and a squeeze of lime which are both rich in metabolism-boosters, as well as vitamin C, and you are ready to go.

Are you longing for a proper and balanced beverage to pair with your lunch? 
Try adding a kombucha wonder drink, in contrast to a traditional glucose filled
beverage to your mid-day routine.

Kombuchla is made using ancient Japanese methods, and can be found at most wellness supermarkets for a very affordable price. This fizzy power boosting beverage is made from fermented tea, and has a very delicious sour taste. Looking at the health aspects of the kombucha wonder drink you come to find it is USDA certified natural, sweetened with organic cane juice, and is infused with oolong tea benefits. The big benefit here is that Oolong tea has been known to help protect your liver so it can focus on metabolizing fat. 
Research has shown that by changing synthetically sweetened beverages in favor of kombucha, you will in turn lose approximately 7 pounds in one year!

Lastly, let’s uncover a metabolism aid that will keep your motor going throughout the night while you are sleeping.

The “spicy red icy” is a mixture of spicy red wine, ice chips, and a touch of mint. The wine will relax your body, and increase your metabolism for up to 
95 minutes after drinking, the addition of ice chips will force your body your body to get rid of fat as it must use its own energy to warm the liquid to body temperature. Mint is not only added to give the shot a little additional kick, but its fragrance has also been proven to control those late night food cravings.

Metabolism Booster #2: Confuse the Fat into Melting Away 
Alternating between a high calorie diet and a low calorie diet can really kick start your metabolism. High calorie days should equal 2000 calories with a dessert, and low calorie days should equal 1200 calories spread over 4 small meals.

How does this alternation between foods, and calories work with metabolism?

It’s easy, when you consume more calories, you force nutrients into cells, convert muscular building and speeding up metabolism. When you cut calories, you are turning your body into a fat burning machine!

Metabolism Booster #3: Spice Up Your Life with Spurilina and Spices 
Spirulina also known as another wonder of the sea and is a great snack
for pumping up your metabolism. Spirulina is made from dehydrated blue-green algae and is loaded with protein and all of the essential amino acids your body needs in order to keep your metabolism going strong. Spirulina is available in many different forms, therefore very convenient for anyone. You can eat Spirulina as a snack, add Spirulina powder to your shake, or take it in supplement format.

Metabolism boosting spices can also be included to any meal as a quick and easy flavor topper! Metabolism boosting spices such as: black pepper, dill seeds, and parsley are rich in vanadium which is a nutrient that helps control spikes in blood sugar as well as boosts muscle mass to burn calories.

One Minute Metabolism-Boosting Strategies

Here are 5 fun tips to help you get rid of fat faster and charge up your
metabolism even more.

Reminder Water Bands

Out of sight, out of mind. This seems to be the common denominator when it comes to effectively hydrating your body with water. We all know we should be consuming a specific amount of water daily, but many of us struggle to remember to do so. A trick to make sure you are drinking the proper amount of water daily is to wear 5 rubber bands on your wrist. Each rubber band is a 16-ounce glass of water. Each time you drink a glass, you can remove one band. Now that you are responsible for drinking each one of those bands away, the water is no longer out of sight, and out of mind.

Just drinking a lot of water can help you shed up to 5
extra pounds per year!

Gargling Spices 

The spice wash is a mixtures of spices that when gargled trigger nerve receptors in your mouth, which stimulate the supportive nervous system and raise your metabolism. To make the swish, you will need half a teaspoon of turmeric, cinnamon, and ginger. Add the spices to a glass of water, swish and spit. That’s it and you don’t even have to swallow this concoction.

Fidgeting is Best

Did you know that you can burn 100 calories a day just by fidgeting? 
Tapping on your desk, tapping your feet, standing up and sitting down are all
examples of “non-exercise activity thermogenesis.”

Power Up with Emergency Snacks
If you are a snack person, and cannot survive without something extra during the day, you may want to trade in the unwanted refined sugars and saturated fats for a metabolism booster snack. Spicy wasabi peas and cacao nibs are both great snacks to get your metabolism running while on the go. The heat from the wasabi peas stimulates your body’s metabolic engine, while the fibre helps keep you feeling full for longer periods of time.

Cacao nibs, also known as the unsweetened, raw material that chocolate is made from, are loaded with healthy, anti-inflammatory compounds. The compounds work to zap away stomach fat without the unwanted love hate relationship from the consumption of candy bars and other sweetened snacks.

Super Power Stretch

Yes there is such a thing as a power stretch that uses every muscle in your body while stimulating internal organs and aiding in digestion. This stretch takes 40 seconds in total, and will get your blood pumping, burning calories, and sending wakening signals to your adrenal glands to give your metabolism one big boost.

First, stand with your feet and legs together, then bend your knees like you’re sitting in a chair. Holding your posture, twist to your right, and rest your left elbow on your right knee as an anchor. Hold this stance for 20 seconds, then twist to the other side.

And that’s it.

These simple tricks, tasty snacks, and tiny lifestyle changes can dramatically improve your metabolism and potentially turn your body into a fat-burning machine. Remember, losing weight doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out, miserable process.

You too can look and feel better, with just a few simple changes and some good old-fashioned will power!

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